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1810 Bel Air Rd. Suite 201 Fallston, MD 21047

Dental Implants Fallston, MD

Our Fallston dentist office offers dental implants for patients seeking a long-term permanent restoration to treat missing teeth. Dentists use dental implants to restore your smile’s function, health, and beauty. Properly placed dental implants will look and feel like your natural teeth and last for many years.

The dentist typically uses a single dental implant to replace a missing tooth. Multiple dental implants can anchor a dental bridge that will replace multiple teeth and support dentures. This is so they hold firmly in place and won’t slip or move around when you talk or chew.

Dental implants are made up of three parts:

  • The first component is a titanium post. A dentist must surgically place this tooth implant fixture into your jawbone. It replaces the tooth root and will secure your dental restoration. This also reduces patients’ risk of jawbone loss.
  • The second component is a titanium abutment or container. It will sit just below the gum line. This component anchors your new tooth crown or whatever restoration you choose.
  • The last component is the restoration that will replace the missing teeth. This will typically be a ceramic crown if you are missing one tooth. If you are missing multiple teeth, it may be dentures or a dental bridge. Our dental restorations contain durable, tooth-colored material that looks and feels like natural teeth.

affordable dental implants in Fallston Maryland

Dental Implant Process

The process for dental implants begins with a thorough oral examination to ensure that you are a good candidate for implants. During this time, we will discuss the procedure for dental implants. This is a great time to ask any questions you may have before the process begins.

During this time, we will take a mold of your teeth to send to a dental laboratory that will create your restoration. The restoration will match the exact color, size, and shape of your natural teeth.

Once we have developed a treatment plan, we will begin the first step. For the surgical piece of this operation, we will refer you to an oral surgeon. They will use anesthetic and sedation to numb the area before beginning treatment. During this phase of treatment, we will place the implant into the jawbone.

The implant looks like a tiny screw that fuses with your jawbone. This replaces the root of your tooth, reducing the risk of jawbone deterioration. The healing process for this part of the implant process can take anywhere from three to six months. We will wait for your gums to heal before beginning the next phase of treatment.

Once you have healed from the placement of the implant, we will uncover the implant and attach an abutment. We will attach your restoration to the abutment during this time. Patients may choose between a dental crown, dental bridge, or dentures as their restoration, depending on their needs.

After the oral surgeon places the restoration, patients leave our office with a new, functioning, and aesthetically pleasing smile. Your mouth may be sore or feel slight discomfort for a few days after we place the restoration. However, the discomfort will go away as you adjust.

It is crucial to maintain a rigid oral care routine to ensure that you keep your implant and the rest of your mouth healthy. We also recommend that patients schedule regular dental examinations and cleanings to ensure that their oral health is in check.

About Dental Implants

Whether you are missing one tooth or all of your teeth, dental implants can provide a natural and durable solution to missing teeth. A dental implant is the closest substitute to a natural tooth. Patients who replace missing teeth with a dental implant report that the implant functions extremely similar to their natural teeth and does not require dietary restrictions.

When properly placed, the implant will fuse to the bone and make itself a natural part of your jaw. This is the process of osseointegration. Tooth implants are a permanent restoration. As a result, you can expect to eat, smile, talk, and brush normally after the oral surgeon places them and their restorations.

We will work with a local specialist to determine if you are a candidate for dental implants, depending on your oral health and bone structure. We will refer you to a local oral surgeon or periodontist for the surgical phase of the implant process.

The type of implants you need depends on the number and location of your missing teeth. We will recommend dental implants to help support the foundation of your oral health and for long-term, natural-looking results.

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • A dental implant will give you superior function. Dental implants or implant-supported dentures will allow you to chew normally, while removable dentures will only allow you to put 5% or 10% of the amount of pressure on them that you might normally use when you eat.
  • A dental implant is long-lasting. They have a documented success rate of over 97% and can last for many years, far outlasting the lifespan of bridges or dentures.
  • A dental implant preserves your remaining teeth. You don’t need to cut down adjacent teeth or use them to support your replacement tooth. They will not shift or move since the implant has enough support, just like a regular tooth.

Schedule A Dental Exam Today

Contact Harford County Dentistry for quality dental implant treatment near you. Our dental office serves patients near Fallston, Bel Air, and surrounding communities. Call our practice today at 410-994-2627 or request an appointment online.